Fashion production house Bangladesh: Quality, MOQ, Price and more

Bangladesh hits the record of exporting the maximum volume of apparel in 2018 and targeted to multiply the growth in double-digit within 2021. The clothing and textile industry in Bangladesh is almost as old as the country itself. In this article, you will learn everything about fashion production house must know in case of importing clothing and other textiles from factories in Bangladesh:


  • Clothing Product Quality and Categories
  • Sourcing Bangladeshi Suppliers Online
  • Apparel Trade Shows in Dhaka

Quality of Clothing Made in Bangladesh


Having a huge infrastructure, the country took place of 2nd position after China to export the apparel goods. In recent year, the country made record in building workplace and environment safety factories. 


7 of the top 10 LEED certified green factories are from Bangladesh. This is world record there is no other country including western and developed countries. More than 70 factories got this certificate in different levels and more 280+ are in the pipeline. You can’t find a single country like this in the world with regard to the green factories. This revolution has happened after the Rana Plaza collapse.


More than half of Bangladesh’s textile exports are cotton based, but you’ll also find a large number of suppliers offering the following types of textile products:


  • Synthetic fabrics
  • Spandex
  • Denim
  • Polyester
  • Jute
  • Wool
  • Silk

Products you may get made from the country are mentioned below: 


  • T-Shirts
  • Polo Shirts
  • Sweatshirts
  • Hoodies
  • Tank tops
  • Formal shirts
  • Tracksuits
  • Denim pant
  • Boxer briefs
  • Handicraft textiles
  • Sports Jersey
  • Curtains
  • Towels
  • Organic cotton
  • Duvet Cover
  • Pillowcases
  • Fitted sheets
  • Flat sheets

Where can I find suppliers with low moq?

There are several homegrown supplier directories in Bangladesh. The most well-known, for textiles sourcing, are listed below:


  • and, both of which are based in China, also have Bangladesh supplier portals:

These days, Bangladeshi clothing and textiles manufacturers are highly visible on both and


Apparel Manufacturing trade shows in Bangladesh

Meeting the suppliers in person is still on the preference list of some buyers. 

If you’re one of them, I recommend you to visit one of the following trade shows:

  • Bigtex
  • Bigfab
  • Denim Expo
  • Fabric and Yarn Expo
  • Garmentech

Most trade shows in Bangladesh are held in Dhaka and Chittagong. All of these cities have international airports with direct flights to Europe, the United States and most major cities in the Asia Pacific region


How easy to do business with a Bangladeshi fashion production house?


I would say, they are very professional nowadays. BGMEA and BKMEA, have taken several steps to upgrade the education of these industry contributors. Every curriculum in the universities is in English. So, they are very fluent to communicate with you.


Language is one big reason for this. Unlike other major textile exporting nations, such as China and Vietnam, English is an official language in Bangladesh.


Bangladeshi sales reps and export managers are excellent in English. It goes without saying that Bangladeshi suppliers are far easier to communicate with.


Personally, I also find it easier to understand the mindset of Bangladeshi sales reps and export managers. Communication is not as indirect and vague as it often can be when dealing with Chinese and Vietnamese suppliers.


Still, Bangladesh is a developing country with a long way to go. Their textiles industry is one of the best in the world, but you must still manage the process properly, to avoid quality issues and delays.